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Egg Pun

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Entertaining designs spreading on decoration, clothing and accessories products,  intended to bring a smile to your face or laughter wherever you go or your living space. 

Funny Egg Puns

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More Funny Egg Puns

Don't be such an egghead. 


I think I'm going to take an eggs-ercise class tomorrow. 

Look at life on the sunny side up.

All of this social activity is eggs-hausting.

You're looking egg-cellent this evening. 

Yolk gotta be kidding me right now.

My brain is scrambled. 

What do you call an egg on a journey? An egg-splorer!

Don't yolk around.

Guacamole is eggs-tra.

I'm so egg-cited! 

Coming out of my shell.

That's all for today, yolks!

Whisk it good. 

You're cracking me up.

Why did the egg cross the road? To get to the shell station.

Don't be such a rotten egg. 

Call it shell shock.

Why did the egg fail its driving test? He liked to egg-celerate too much. 

Quit egg-noring me. 

Omeletting this slide.

Let's hatch a plan. 

What's an egg's go-to coffee order? Double egg-spresso. 

Why do people love eating hard-boiled eggs for breakfast? They're hard to beat!

What days do eggs hate the most? Fry-day.

What do chickens call the city that never sleeps? New Yolk City.

What's the worst crime an egg can commit? Poaching. 

What do you call a mischievous egg? A practical yolker. 

Why do you have to watch what you say around egg whites? They can't take a yolk.



Design Woods

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