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Funny Rice Pun

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Entertaining designs spreading on decoration, clothing and accessories products,  intended to bring a smile to your face or laughter wherever you go or your living space. 

Funny Rice Puns

Funny Rice Pun
Funny Rice Pun

More Funny Rice Puns

My favourite time of day? Sun-rice.

Have a rice day! 

I like to rice to the occasion.

Rice to meet you, where you been?

Rice, rice, baby.

Rice and shine, baby.

No more Mr Rice guy.

Rice to meet you.

This meal was mesme-ricing.

Got this whole dish and menu memo-riced.

A song of rice and fire.

Welcome to the rice age.

Good things are on the horice-on.

The rice is right.

I’ve been known to overindulge on carbs when the occasion a-rices.

Don’t worry, be happy… cuz every little thing is gonna be all rice.

Rice guys definitely don’t finish last.

A rice-ted development.

So beautiful, I can’t believe my rice. 

Feelin’ cold as rice these days.

Can’t take my rice off of you.

The best laid plans of rice and men… 

Keeping my eyes on the p-rice.

Priceless moments, not riceless moments.

Can’t wait to eat this meal agrain.

No pain, no grain.

Mid life crice-is. 

Rice-s on infinite earths.

Havin’ a bowl, as usual.

Forget restaurant food. I’m all about rice-taurant food.

​Sugar, spice & everything rice.


Design Woods

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