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Funny Donut Pun

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Funny Donut Puns

Entertaining designs spreading on decoration, clothing and accessories products, 
intended to bring a smile to your face or laughter wherever you go or your living space. 

Donut be a day without donuts, it's just not worth it.
Donut be a hole and leave without saying goodbye.
Donut give up on your dreams.
Donut worry, be happy.
Donut underestimate the power of a good pastry.
Donut be jelly of my donut puns.
Mom, I donut know what I would do without you.
Donut even think about stealing my donuts.
Donut be afraid to sprinkle some humor into your day.
Donut forget to share your donuts with friends.
Donut rain on my parade
Donut be a glazer and eat all the donuts yourself.
Donut worry, I have plenty to go around.
Donut be a froster and ignore the importance of frosting.
Donut give me that look, I know my puns are good.
I love 'hole' foods
Donut be a cinnamon roll and be too sweet for your own good.
Donut be vanilla, add some sprinkles to your personality.
Donut be a chocolate chip, stand out in the crowd.
Donut be a plain Jane, embrace your uniqueness.
Donut be a sugar rush, take your time and savor the moment.
Donut be a filling, be the whole package.
Donut let anyone glaze over your accomplishments.
Donut forget to treat yourself every once in a while.
Donut let anyone dunk on your happiness.
Donut let anyone tell you that you can't have another.
Donut let anyone put a hole in your confidence.
Donut forget you are awesome
Donut be a sourdough, rise to the occasion.
Donut care.

More Donut Puns for a good Mood


Design Woods

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