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Funny Burger Characters
Entertaining designs spreading on decoration, clothing and accessories products,
intended to bring a smile to your face or laughter wherever you go or your living space.

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Funny Burger Jokes & Sayings
What is a snowman’s favorite lunch?An Iceberger!
What do you call a cheeseburger at the playground?
A slider.
What type of burger isn’t allowed on the Titanic?
An iceburger.
Why was the vegan rejected for a job at the burger joint?Because she didn’t meat the requirements.
How do you make a hamburger laugh?
Pickle it!
What do you call two burger buns that came out of the oven stuck to each other?
Sesamese twins.
What do you call a male cow that eats hamburgers?
A cannibull.
What do you call a vegan burger?A misteak.4. What do you get when you cross a hamburger with a computer?A big mac.
What does a magical burger say?
Open sesame.
What is a burger’s favorite day?
Why can any hamburger run the mile in under four minutes?Because it’s a FAST food!
Why shouldn’t you buy a hamburger in Athens?
Because it is way too Greecey.
How did the hamburger introduce his wife?
Meat patty.
What do you call a frozen hamburger?
A ham-brrr-ger.
Why do hamburgers make good baseball players?They’re great at the plate!
How do you stop someone from stealing your grill?
With a burger alarm!
What do you call a hamburger on a motorcycle?Fast food.
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